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WARMACHINE players take on the role of warcasters as they lead their titanic forces into battle. Warcasters possess significant martial prowess of their own as well as having hardened warriors and magical spells to bring to bear. Players collect, assemble, and paint fantastically detailed models representing the varied warriors, machines, and creatures in their armies. WARMACHINE is a fully compatible tabletop wargame with its feral twin, the monstrous miniatures combat game of HORDES.

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    Archnumen Aurora

    Prijs € 72,24
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    Prijs € 39,99

    Crucible Arms has taken over the production of the Ordic Toro chassis, an aggressive workhorse heavy warjack armed with sword and shield that has fought with the Ordic Army for decades. As a part of the Crucible's agreements with Ord's king, Crucible Arms now produces Toros in number.

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    House Ellowuyr Warden...

    Prijs € 16,99

    Among the initiates of the Wardens, there are those who excel in their training far beyond that of their peers. These individuals are capable of truly incomprehensible feats of martial strength, such as wielding a pair of the Wardens’ signature heavy voulges with the same grace as their brethren muster with a single blade. These individuals are rare and gifted and are quickly perceived by their trainers.

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    House Ellowuyr Wardens

    Prijs € 42,49

    The Wardens of House Ellowuyr are the elite shock troops of a house renowned for its martial prowess. Initiate Wardens are handpicked at a young age, spending the entirety of their adolescent years training to wield the arms and armor of the Warden discipline. Not only must every initiate master the heavy voulge, but they must also fight with the same elegance and fluidity as their swordsmen brethren while encased in massive suits of augmented armor. The enemies of the Retribution stare, slack jawed, as the Wardens carve paths through their ranks, protected by suits of armor that simply should not be able to move that fast or kill with such ease.

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    Ascendant Mentalist

    Prijs € 16,99

    Trancers are traditionally short-lived individuals, as the powerful alchemical concoctions that grant them their psychokinetic powers tend to destroy their bodies rapidly and without remorse. This destructive cycle is not without anomalies, however, as some can withstand the chemical degeneration indefinitely. These lucky souls become fierce psychic combatants, unlocking mental feats of strength a traditional trancer simply doesn't have the time to master.

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    Failed Experiments

    Prijs € 42,49

    Alchemy can be a messy art, a fact known better by the Golden Crucible than many other scientists of the Iron Kingdoms. One does not simply turn lead into gold without a few accidents along the way. The Crucible Guard is not shy when it comes to human experimentation, which has led to several messy “failures” over the years.

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    Rocketman Stinger

    Prijs € 12,74

    The rocketmen of the Crucible Guard suffer no shortage of daredevils and adrenaline junkies, individuals who don’t simply endure their training but grow to love every moment of it. Some rise through the ranks to become captains while others strike off on their own as high-flying aces.

    And then there are the stingers.

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    Containment Operatives

    Prijs € 21,24

    The Crucible Guard contains many brilliant scientists and alchemists, all segregated into various research orders or combat cells based on their areas of expertise. Combat alchemists, for example, are those individuals with a skill not just in alchemy but in its battlefield application. Often they will sneak onto the battlefield themselves, where they can test all manner of strange brews on the enemy.

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    Hermit of Henge Hold

    Prijs € 13,39
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    Negation Angels

    Prijs € 23,79
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    Prijs € 30,59
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    Potentate Severius

    Prijs € 13,59