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Wargames & Miniatures

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    Prijs € 16,99

    Possessing an array of vastly complex mechanika, the Fulcrum is amongst the strangest and most advanced of the Empyreans' robotic servitors. The soulless machine is part short-range gate generator and part weapon of war. It can be used to teleport friendly forces short distances or to turn the same technologies on the enemy, with all safeguards withdrawn and the terrifying power of its Void Cannon on full display. The presence of Fulcrums greatly adds to the unpredictability of Empyrean forces in battle.

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    Prijs € 50,99
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    Prijs € 50,99

    The ISA Interceptor is a compact and fast-moving speeder that relies on complex mechanikal systems to generate a field of anti-gravity for lift. Propulsion is provided by a trio of thrusters stabilized by small, front-mounted fixed wings, resulting in an agile and responsive machine that is a joy to fly and a terror to face in the skies. Though light for a combat vehicle, the Interceptor’s speed and maneuverability are without compare. The standard light pursuit vehicles of the ISA’s Paladin forces, the Interceptor features a pair of fixed mounted assault rifles as its stock weaponry. An additional hardpoint is set into the underbelly of the speeder that can accommodate a number of weapon options.

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    Prijs € 50,99

    A triumph of decentralized engineering, the Razorbat is the primary light battle tank of the Marcher Worlds. Its powerful anti-gravity generator is strong enough for the craft to achieve near-flight for short periods of time, and every pilot learns early how to “hit the jump.” The vehicle is propelled by a heavy plasma propulsion engine that is fuel efficient in the extreme, a requirement for Marcher machines defending distant outposts that may go months or years without resupply. The Razorbat is operated by a crew of two: a pilot and a gunner. The pilot operates the vehicle from the front and has control over the Razorbat’s front mounted, semi-autonomous Cyclone Cannon. The gunner sits in the top-mounted turret and mans the Razorbat’s primary weaponry.

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    Containment Operatives

    Prijs € 21,24

    The Crucible Guard contains many brilliant scientists and alchemists, all segregated into various research orders or combat cells based on their areas of expertise. Combat alchemists, for example, are those individuals with a skill not just in alchemy but in its battlefield application. Often they will sneak onto the battlefield themselves, where they can test all manner of strange brews on the enemy.

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    Saber Strikeforce

    Prijs € 16,99

    Saber squads are the rank and file of the Empyreans’ robotic forces. Lacking souls and created to follow every order without question, Sabers are an efficient and utterly fearless fighting force, possessing an inhuman degree of discipline impossible for sentient species to replicate. Armed with high-intensity Ion Cannons backed by Fusion Blades in close combat, Strikeforces make up the bulk of the Saber forces. Their ordinary stillness before battle belies their savagery in combat when they explode into a blur of motion, unleashing deadly beam, blade, and tentacle attacks to cut down any enemy unfortunate enough to move into their path.

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    Daemon B Weapon Pack

    Prijs € 8,49
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    Daemon A Weapon Pack

    Prijs € 8,49

    It would be a gross understatement to say that the warjacks employed by the Empyrean forces were the most advanced in the galaxy. The simple fact is that they operate on principles not yet fully understood even by humanity’s greatest mechanical engineers. Those who have inspected wrecks left on the battlefield believe that the likes of the Daemon are powered by energy cells that draw ambient Arcanessence from the environment, but such findings remain far from conclusive.

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    Daemon B

    Prijs € 25,46

    The Daemon is the most commonly encountered of the Empyreans’ advanced warjacks. While possessing limited artificial intelligence, the Daemon is slaved to the will of the Warcaster, and it executes orders without thought or hesitation. These warjacks are typically heavily armed with hardpoints set into the arms and back. They are also equipped with a variety of enhanced mechanikal adaptations, including an Aegis Field capable of blunting the impact of all manner of ranged attacks. These adaptations, however, are not all defensive in nature. The Daemon’s Disruption Engine enables it to cleave through its target’s arcane defenses, dispelling enemy Cyphers on contact.

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    Saber Vanguard

    Prijs € 25,49

    Saber Vanguards are the Empyreans’ close-combat specialists. Armed with a pair of Fusion Scythes and flailing tentacles, these squads of robotic servitors are unleashed upon the enemy like a tide of clockwork destruction. They charge forward without question, striking even the most heavily armed and defended enemy positions with no concern for self-preservation. Their sacrifice keeps the enemy off balance while the Empyreans take up positions and execute their stratagems. Though their losses are always heavy, the Sabers are incapable of complaint, and their masters can always make more.

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    Astreus, Aeon of the First...

    Prijs € 21,24

    Unlike the soulless servitor legions they lead in battles across the Hyperuranion, the Aeons are true Empyreans, elder souls drawn back from the Great Constellation and inhabiting robotic forms of Arcanessence and alloyed steel. The most ancient and revered of these enlightened masters of war are those of the First Magnitude, an honor reserved for the Empyreans’ greatest champions. Among them is Astreus, a veteran of countless wars dating back to the Unification of the galaxy. Little remains of Astreus’ mortal self, having been lost utterly to the crush of time. What remains is an unflinching, calculating, and unpredictable warrior utterly devoted to his cause.

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    Prijs € 16,99

    A robotic homunculus, the Oculus is the Empyreans' synthetic weaver. Calibrated to maintain a constant psychic report with its controlling Warcaster, the Oculus moves about the battlefield seeking the perfect position to deliver its Warcaster's eldritch power. Though lacking true autonomy or the natural theurge's capacity to manipulate Arc, the Oculus is instead the product of arcane artifice, a perfect conduit to execute its master's will.