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Wargames & Miniatures

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    Gudrun the Wasted

    Prijs € 16,99

    The Claiming has come and gone, and Gudrun slept through the entire event in a drunken stupor. Waking up to a ruined world, Gudrun found himself burdened by an unshakable guilt. Had he gone on a bender so powerful it broke the world? With no one around to tell him otherwise, Gudrun swore off drinking and began to wander the wastes in search of answers.

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    Wintertime Wasteland

    Prijs € 42,99


    1 Boomhowler the Destroyer

    1 Stonecold Black Bella

    1 Yssylla

    1 Yuri the Hunter

    1 Shivers

    1 Rulebook

    1 Map

    15 Dice (6 white Action Dice, 4 blue Boost Dice, 4 red Power Dice, 1 black six-sided die)

    1 Token Sheet

    The Riot Quest chaos continues with the new Wintertime Wasteland starter box! After plundering and looting all they could find in the more civilized corners of the Iron Kingdoms, the heroes (and villains) of Riot Quest are headed to the strange, frozen north in search of more treasure.

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    Death Archon

    Prijs € 33,99

    As the war between the infernals and the Archon-backed mortals of the Iron Kingdoms wages on, a new and strange entity has made its presence known: massive, hooded creatures born aloft on wings of bone and wielding fierce Iron Reapers, the Death Archons have come.

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    Prijs € 33,99

    The Aeternae myrmidon was manufactured by House Vyre at the behest of House Ellowuyr as compensation for an unknown agreement. Aeternae myrmidons feature some of the latest Vyre innovations in warjack weaponry. They wield a pair of Distortion Voulges, massive bladed weapons that cause their enemies to reverberate with arcane energy and be repelled with each successful blow.

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    Falcir, The Merciless

    Prijs € 16,99

    House Ellowuyr of Ios is known for a great many noble reasons, such as the quality of the soldiers they produce or their unique style of armor. Falcir herself is neither well known nor noble, but she is one the House’s most powerful assets. Those who know of her call her “The Merciless,” but these words do not do justice to the true nature of this warcaster. Falcir is House Ellowuyr’s executioner, and she is brutally exceptional at the task.

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    Defiled Archon

    Prijs € 33,99

    Above all things, the grymkin despise Menoth and his creations. When the infernals invaded and the gods of Caen began to unleash their Archons into the mortal world, it is no surprise that the grymkin viewed the Menite Archon with equal measures of contempt and sadistic curiosity. As the forces of Menoth were embattled, protecting the souls of the faithful from the infernals, the grymkin managed to capture a few Menite Archons and drag them down into their nightmarish reality.

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    Brigadier General Gunnbjorn

    Prijs € 16,99

    The Trollbloods have suffered for decades at the hands of outsiders, and the infernal invasion was yet another human atrocity that punished the kriels. The infernals had not come to Caen for their souls, but the cosmic horrors still slaughtered the children of Dhunia whenever their forces crossed paths.

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    Trollkin Barrage Team

    Prijs € 22,94

    As the infernals came for human souls, refugees fled to all corners of Caen (and beyond) to escape. Many of these refugees found themselves in troll lands. There, some were welcomed allies while others were not. No matter their allegiance to the trollkin, many of these survivors brought with them their stores of supplies, including weapons and ammo, which Brigadier General Gunnbjorn happily accepted in return for sanctuary among the trollkin.

    It was not long before the brigadier general organized the first units of barrage teams, trollkin trained to use cutting-edge rocket launchers acquired from the human kingdoms. With plenty of ammunition available, the barrage teams are allowed to fire into enemy lines repeatedly, scorching the battlefield with their devastating blasts.

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    Prijs € 22,94

    The existence of the Savage Swarm has produced rampant speculation in fields as far apart as biology and theology. Preceded by the drone of a thousand-thousand buzzing wings, Xixorax emerges from craters in the earth to erupt as a force of urban destruction. Resembling a gigantic bipedal beetle, Xixorax shows none of the regard for the natural world or humanity that is demonstrated by the Terrasaurs and Empire of the Apes. Whether he has any intelligence or is motivated by any desire other than pure annihilation remains to be seen.

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    Scourge A

    Prijs € 25,49

    A misshapen horror of steel and malice, the Scourge is a brutally effective melee-focused warjack. Though it can be equipped with a variety of destructive weapons, the chassis' defining features are its huge wrecking claw and iron-spring servos that can be charged to vastly increase the raw physical strength of the machine. The Scourge's savage cortex options instill the warjack with an animalistic cunning and savagery that befit its hulking design.

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    Megaton Mashup

    Prijs € 42,49

    Gallamaxus is a truly terrifying foe from outer space. Humanity was just getting used to the concept of interplanetary creatures bent on consuming the universe and alien invaders harvesting resources to revitalize their dying world when the first messengers of the Draken Armada arrived in the solar system to warn of an even larger looming threat. Gallamaxus is but the first in a dark cloud of death heading for our planet. He is the harbinger of the Necroscourge, and it may be the most terrifying addition to the Monsterpocalypse yet.

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    Captain Jax Redblade

    Prijs € 12,74

    With a reputation spanning the Thousand Worlds, Jax Redblade is among the most notorious pirates to prey upon the shipping lanes of the Hyperuranion. Bloodthirsty, cunning, and utterly lacking in moral constraint, Redblade is a fearsome captain but is an even deadlier foe. The noteworthy speed of her draw and her callous disregard for any lives beyond those of her crew have brought her to the attention of both the Iron Star Alliance and the Marcher Worlds. The Alliance would love nothing better to see her dead or locked away for a millennium while her relationship with the Coalition of Free States is a little more complex.