Death Archon

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As the war between the infernals and the Archon-backed mortals of the Iron Kingdoms wages on, a new and strange entity has made its presence known: massive, hooded creatures born aloft on wings of bone and wielding fierce Iron Reapers, the Death Archons have come.

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No one is sure where these creatures came from or who they answer to, if anyone. The first Death Archon manifested at the Battle of Henge Hold, rising from a mountain of fresh corpses upon which stood Barnabas, the Lord of Blood. This angel of death floated a few moments in front of the gatorman before giving a faceless nod and turning itself to the battle below. It immediately set itself upon a pair of Thamarite Archons and tore them in half before diving into the chaos of battle below.

The Death Archons seem to be attracted to carnage, care little for the souls of mortals, and have a strange distaste for other Archons. At any engagement in which they appear, a Death Archon will hunt down other Archons first before turning itself upon infernal forces in the battle.

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