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Khador Winter Korps Core Army Starter

€ 179,99
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The Khador Winter Korps starter set includes all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of WARMACHINE. The set contains the unpredictable gunmage rifleman warcaster, Kapitan Ilari Borisyuk, two customizable warjacks each with a suite of weapon and head options, two light infantry units along with a command attachment and selection of support weapons, one shock trooper gunner unit, an Arkanist support unit, and a Winter Korps Officer solo.

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1 Kapitan Ilari Borisyuk Warcaster

1 Dire Wolf Heavy Warjack (4x Head 8x Arm/Weapon options)

1 Great Bear Heavy Warjack (4x Head 8x Arm/Weapon options)

2x Winter Korps Infantry Unit with Support Weapon Options (12 models)

6x Riflemen

2x Grenade Porters

2X Machine Gunners

2X Rocketeers

2x Winter Korps Infantry Standard

1 Shock Trooper Gunner Unit (3 models)

1 Arkanist Unit (3 models)

1 Winter Korps Officer Solo

A complete starter army, including all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of WARMACHINE: MKIV The Khador Winter Corps Core Army Starter contains a minimum of 49 points up to 63 points, depending on how the warjacks are configured and whether the Command Attachment is selected. First chance to play with the new Khador Winter Korps Army and MKIV customizable options for warjacks! All rules for WARMACHINE: MKIV will be available on the free-to-download WARMACHINE app. The beta version launches in October.


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