WARMACHINE – Cygnar Storm Legion Core Army Starter

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Unleash the power of the elements with the Cygnar Storm Legion! This Core Army Starter includes all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of WARMACHINE. The set contains the potent battlegroup-focused warcaster, Captain Athena di Baro, two customizable warjacks (each with a suite of weapon and head options), two light infantry units with a command attachment for each, a Tempest Thunderers heavy infantry unit, an Arcane Mechaniks support unit, and a Legionnaire Officer solo. Experience the next generation of warfare in the Iron Kingdoms with Cygnar’s most technologically advanced force yet!


1 Captain Athena di Baro Warcaster

1 Courser Light Warjack

(4x Head 8x Arm/Weapon options)

1 Stryker Heavy Warjack

(4x Head 8x Arm/Weapon options)

1 Stormblade Legionnaires Unit (5 models)

1 Stormguard Legionnaires Unit (5 models)

2 Legionnaire Standard Bearer

1 Tempest Thunderers Unit (3 models)

1 Arcane Mechaniks Unit (3 models)

1 Legionnaire Officer Solo

30 Magnets

A complete starter army, including all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of WARMACHINE: MKIV

The Cygnar Storm Legion Core Army Starter contains a minimum of 47 points up to 63 points, depending on how the warjacks are configured and whether both Command Attachments are selected.

First chance to play with the new Cygnar Storm Legion army and MKIV customizable options for warjacks!

All the magnets needed to make warjacks customizable are included.

All rules for WARMACHINE: MKIV will be available on the free-to-download WARMACHINE app. The beta version launches in October.

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